Custom Design
At Dijkstra's we manufacture custom design on request. Our lightsolutions are well-designed and fit your budget. Many fixtures within our collection are the result of specific design challenges. You can see examples of those on this page.
Are you dealing with a specific lighting issue? We like a challenge. Our knowledge of light and design combined with state of the art production techniques means a lot is possible. Feel free to submit a form down below.
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Custom Design
Bij Dijkstra vervaardigen we ook maatwerk op aanvraag. Onze lichtoplossingen zijn verantwoord qua design en passen binnen het budget. Veel armaturen binnen onze collectie zijn dan ook ontstaan als antwoord op specifieke verlichtingsvraagstukken.
Are you dealing with a specific lighting issue? We like a challenge. Our knowledge of light and design combined with state of the art production techniques means a lot is possible. Feel free to submit a form down below.